Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fun & info goes hand in hand

Today, I went to Michael Stanier's website which is called "The Possibility Virus". Very interesting name. When I checked the movie, "The Eight Irresistible Rules of Fun" and amazed by the creative way of passing the info to the viewer. Very simple rules. After watching it, I watched their other movie, "The 5.75 Questions You've been Avoiding" and it is yet another novel way of presenting the information. When I subscribed to their newsletter, I got an opportunity to add my comments about these two movies.
Interstingly, someone did read those comments and she sent yet another movie, "Find Your Great Work". I loved this one too. That's why I thought of sharing all three here. Some of the points I like from three movies are (my comments are in the paranthesis):
1. If everyone is happy, then you are not doing great work.
2. Things only get interesting when you take full responsibility for the choices you make
3. Stop hiding who you really are.
4. Start scaring yourself (live at the edge or stretch your possibilities)
5. Stop being busy
6. Start something (taking action is important)
7. What's going well for you? (Attitute of Gratitude)
8. What are you trying to ignore?
9. What's boring you? (Interesting quesiton, true, we have lots of things and persons boring us).
10. How do you want to be remembered? (I like this a lot because I love Steven Covey's quote: Life is to love, live, learn and leave a legacy behind).

Have fun and share the info with your friends.

Until next time,


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