Thursday, April 2, 2009

Importance of Reading

Reading, Reading, Reading... what is the importance of Reading in life? You are reading this article because you have interest to read and also learned how to read. When I was back in India, my father always recommended me to read English books, newspapers, magazines. However, maximum I read during my BS degree was "The Hindu" newspaper and "Coma" novel. Other than that, I read my textbooks in English. However, when I came to US, I started reading books by different authors. Wayne Dyer, Denis Waitly, Zig Zigler, and Brain Tracy changed my life. Even today, I give credit to Wayne Dyer and his book, "Your Erroneous Zones", Zig Zigler's book, "See You at the Top". These books and others changed my view of this world completly. After staying at my dad's place for 22 years (including my BS), I came to US and had my first hostel experience or you can call it as living with others on my own. These books, audios were my companions which build me. I give credit to US and these books for what I am today. I still love to read books and listen to audios, which you might have seen after going through my blog posts. I do encourage you to read Seth Godin's small yet very powerful message books: "The Dip" and "Tribes". Read books, read, read. Some people do question or say that, what is the use of reading books and not implementing anything from the book. Answer to that is "We are what we think all day long - Earl Nightingale". So, instead of filling random thoughts, I fill my mind with thoughts what I am looking for. Its always better to choose my thoughts than giving control to a TV or Radio or someone with weird thoughts. I do strongly recommend Earl Nightingale's "The Strangest Secret". He is the king of Self-Development. Excellent book to read or audio to listen. I will stop here. More later.

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